{*ultimate guide*} Instagram reels Strategy

 "Instagram is an American photo and video sharing social networking service founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. In April 2012, Facebook Inc. acquired the service for approximately US$1 billion in cash and stock"

Instagram reels

Instagram reels : After ban tiktok in India and various countries Facebook own instagram and start tiktok related content and named as "reels" people known by "instagram reels" where you have to create some 6 seconds to 60 sec videos and upload it on instagram.

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How to Create instagram reels 

Create reels is very simple even LKG student also make this reels, it is same as open camera and shoot.

How to save Instagram Reels 

After creating instagram reels people love to save Instagram reels for next ideas, the most popular reels engagement secret is "saving reels" and sharing reels on other platforms.

How to download instagram reels 

If you want to save it download instagram reels you can simply share a instagram reel on your story and tap 'save' it's automatically saves to your camera roll. Or else are you running a community or organization where you love to repost other creators content on your page by gaving good and informative content. Then there are "N" no of apps available for instagram reels repost or instagram reels download.

What are the apps used for instagram reels download

 Instagram reels download, most popular query people searching on Google is "How to download/save Instagram reels" so, here the answer or you can called a secret to download instagram reels.

Read more : amazon prime video shows

Here are the Top 5 Instagram reels Download/Repost apps.

1. Repost

2. Insta save 

3. Quick download

Best video editor apps for instagram reels 

Creating instagram reels is very easy and less time but what about its post processing or else you can simply called instagram reels editing.

Because good and well and unique content idea related reel only reach to audience, and that type of reels only get good views and people love to watch.

So, for that purpose people create more creative content and taking good video editing apps to to create awesome instagram reels.

So, here are the Top video editing apps for instagram reels.

1. VN app
2. Capcut (mostly work on all countries if not work use vpn or proxies)

3. Vita 

4. Inshot 

5. Kinemaster 

What are the captions used in Instagram reels 

After editing or post processing work, you are ready to upload video on instagram but before that write a beautiful and audience eye catchy caption or else we can simply call as reel caption so that when people looking to your content this captions are very useful to push the content to next level.

What are the Top instagram reels captions 

1. Save it for later 

2. Save and share 

3. Good information in 10 sec

4. Top Photography/videography ideas in 10 sec 

What are the popular hashtags for instagram reels 

Creating awesome instagram reels and editing is easy but the most important thing is what are the Hashtags used for instagram reels. And what the popular instagram hashtags for viral instagram reels.

Most popular instagram reel hashtags


How to create viral instagram reel ideas 

I can't say every reel goes to viral, because we can't decide which reel goes to viral and which is not. Because audience or public is the key for your reels. They decide which reel is goes to viral and which is not.

But you can also create reels to get viral by using some tips and tricks.

1. Create a unique content because people love to watch unique content related reels more you create unique reels more you get good engagement.

2. Create reels from your traditional strategy like create a particular niche content and gaving sone good informational related content so, that people visit your reels to learn something new.
This type of reel strategy we can call it as "informational reels"

3. Informational as well as services related reels like by seeing that reels audience get both service as well as information.

4. Trending related content, for this type of reels you should have to create your profile like mixed content like news channel, because news channel only create content on all niches right ? So you have to create content on popular or trending reels.

5. Entertainment related niches, i can say best niche for viral reels because more your create entertainment, More people love to watch entertainment reels.

How to increase followers on instagram using instagram reels.

Instagram followers now a days like they no need the profile value or they don't even see original profile bio or profile niche or simply says they only focus on instagram reel which is played on their feed.

If they really like your reel content they simply like, if they want to create engagement with your content they simply add their views in form of comments, if they learn something new from your content and they also create some content ideas as like you they simply save your reel. This is unique case where they share your reel on their profile/stories or else repost on their pages 

So, by doing all this only two things effect on your profile

1. Increase reel views

2. Increasing followers 

First thing is very simple because of your content is good or unique there is no doubt about your reel views they automatically increased.

But what about "Followers" ....???

Is they increased ???? I said Yes and also No

Because it is a hypothetical question... See for example

Your reel goes to viral and you get 1Million views on your reel.

But what about your followers ??? Did they increased ??? Yes, In some cases followers are also increased but most of the cases it's not... Why "Not" i will explain 

if you are watching a TV show or movie and simply changing one channel to another then how many times you save that channel to your favourite channel ??? 

I think mostly not... Same things happens here also there is no guarantee of increasing followers.

But by doing some tips and tricks you might be get good amount of followers like

1. Gave Engagement on similar niche content

2. Save and share their content

3. Mention them on your content so, that if they like your video they also have some good engagement towards to your content this is old style of method but believe me it's works because is old is gold always....

4. Share your content on your stories ask audience to save and share on captions as well as stories.

5. Create some polls and emoji related games on your stories to increase the enthusiasm towards your content.

6. Also you can create content like free services, gift-cards, giveaways, contest related content so, that people more engaging with your content. As a results your followers increased.

7. Do what ever you want in your own strategy because everyone has their own strategy and mindsets to increase their followers and no other two persons mindset is same so, do your own research, use trail and error method and start your content.

How to earn money from instagram reels.

Earn money from reels... Is this possible ????

Most popular and highest searched query in Google to "How to earn money from reels"

Answer is simple, recently instagram started their one program related to this earning money by posting reels this program is called

"Born on Instagram

By using this campaign people know more about this instagram reels strategies to improve their content ideas.

For this you have to join their program by using using this link : bornoninstagram.com

After that complete their creator course by completing this course you are ready or eligible to recieving instagram reels payment.

After signup and complete course, set notifications on so, that you will get following information like

1. Weekly trending topics

2. Weekly trending audios 

3. Weekly trending filters/games 

4. Weekly or 15 days monthly winners list 

5. Upcoming instagram reels ideas/information

6. Live and new updates from team instagram.

How to collaborate with brands using instagram reels.

How to earn money from instagram apart from "born on Instagram". For this you need good content, engagement, and network.

Because it is not that much easy to get brand collaborations Or client projects, for this you have to ready with your content and follow some tips to get easy brand collaborations.

1. Research on brand like what it's niche is it match your content/niche

2. How to approach brand and pitch your idea to them

3. How to create content to impress brands 

4. How to manage your content to get good projects from brands 

5. Financial related reasearch is required after getting brand collaborations.

How to invite a creator/brand to collaborate with your reel/content.

Invite a brand to collaborate with creator, it is new and recently instagram introduce this feature to instagram by using this option you can easily invite a brand or creator to collaborate with your content for free/paid depends on your link building between both of you.

Instagramreels vs tiktok 

As compared with reels vs tiktok might be tiktok is more popular and have large audience... Anyone know why ? Tiktok van in india... Reason is very simple like you love banana, you can ate banana continuously for 4 to 7 days what happens ! You simply start disking banana right ?? Same thing happened with tiktok in India too... More you start trash more you get trash only ..

And coming to reels, first of all one thing I have to tell before reels instagram is more popular by its photo sharing content, people readily accept that and start their instagram as a medium to increase their professional work.

And when reels introduced still they not change their zone like if a creator wild life Photographer, he do reels on same topic so, people instead of hating they love the content. By all this reasons reels started his boom in short videos, might be in some years they overcome all video platforms.

Instagram reels vs YouTube shorts 

yes, youtube also starts their short videos as "Youtube shorts" best part is as compared with normal guidelines youtube remove copyright strikes for this shorts because of 60 seconds video we can upload anything and also we can use music gallery to choose trending music to our youtube short

youtube pay money for your short videos too

Instagram reels ban or instagram ban in India 

Instagram reels side effects/disadvantages 

Instagram reels vs instagram posts 

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